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CV-Some basics

Curriculum Vitae or CV is a summary of qualifications and experience of a person. Recruiters in the United Kingdom and commonwealth countries prefer to use the term CV whereas in United States it is…
Vinay Nangia
October 2, 2013

Some stray thoughts

A large  number of successful persons I have come across in my life, including those living abroad, have come from families where parents were either teachers or were from defence…
Vinay Nangia
September 28, 2013


Competition is considered as an essential ingredient, if not a prerequisite, for success. One competes to win. While competing to win anyhow, one often forgets whether the means used are fair…
Vinay Nangia
September 24, 2013

Pleasing a woman ; some basics

Pleasing a woman requires understanding women. Woman, being gentle, soft, and strong yet fragile, needs careful handling. Improper handling of a woman may result in unintended consequences and undesirable results.…
Vinay Nangia
September 2, 2013

Success and Happiness

Success is a perception. Others decide whether a person is successful or not. Success is measured by one’s status and position in the professional circles and society. In today's materialistic…
Vinay Nangia
August 23, 2013

Some Tips for Networking

Networking can be looked broadly from two different angles. Networking for professional purpose and networking for social purpose. These are often overlapping. Social networking can be further divided into three,…
Vinay Nangia
August 3, 2013

The New Avtar of Networking

Dictionary meaning of networking is: “a supportive system of sharing information and services among individuals and groups having a common interest”. In the world of computers, networking is the practice…
Vinay Nangia
August 2, 2013