Dr. Ashu Khanna
Never Tired of Answering the Questions
I would like to express my sincere appreciation for excellent mentorship provided by Professor V.K Nangia, former HOD, Department of Management studies IIT Roorkee from time to time. The knowledge and wisdom that Prof Nangia possess is incredible. He has inspired many people including myself through his brilliant work, excellent human skills and altruistic attitude. His soft skills and knowledge of business is commendable. I have always seen him as a great administrator and an excellent teacher, who is always willing to share his skills with his subordinates and students, and is never tired of answering their questions, messages and calls. He has always guided me through difficult times and has shown me the right path. He has made great difference in many people’s life by showing confidence in them and pushing them towards success. Professor Nangia’s guidance and support is an invaluable gift to his peers and subordinates.